Grants Information 2024
The purpose of these grants is to distribute resources to support the health and wellbeing of Ngāti Whare Iwi to preserve our identity and way of life.
Applications can be made on request by contacting Te Runanga o Ngāti Whare Office 07 3665 690 & Te Puawai o Ngāti Whare 07 3663 900.
- Applicants must be registered iwi members with Te Runanga O Ngāti Whare
- Hauora applications are due on the 2nd Monday of each month
- Applications that arrive after each respective time-frame will be carried forward to the following board meeting for consideration
- Applicants will be sent a letter, acknowledging receipt of their application within 2 weeks
- Trustees approve successful applicants at monthly board meetings
- Applicants will be sent a letter informing them of the decision within 2 weeks
- No further applications will be considered once all funds have been distributed